Microsoft To Unveil Windows 8 'Release Preview' Early June!

Windows 8Windows 8
Microsoft will open its almost-finished Windows 8 operating system to the public in early June. Microsoft’s metro-style overhaul of Windows in its upcoming Windows 8 operating system is the easily the most dramatic redesign of the Windows user interface since Windows 95. June 5 the most likely date if company follows Windows 7's timeline. Microsoft slates Windows 8 'release preview' for early June. The company has already released a ‘Developer Preview’ and a ‘Consumer Preview’ to the public, giving people a chance to take the operating system for a spin as Microsoft hammers out the details. Microsoft is preparing to unveil and release its SkyDrive desktop application for Windows in this year. Now Microsoft has announced that it will be releasing the final ‘Release Preview’ some time in early June.
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